Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Streetviews

Tom Cooper wrote me recently to point out that Google Maps have updated their streetview

You probably know that there are some better views now on Google maps.  Here's a screen shot of the Chrinitoid from the Street-view on Google.
 I have run into quite a few Rickey sculptures since attending RPI.  At one time, there was one at the Empire State Mall in Albany.  I encountered one in St. Louis along Market Street.  There is one at the Nelson Atkins Museum in Kansas City, which has a surprisingly good sculpture collection.  The deCordova is Lincoln, Massachusetts has a Rickey.  Yale University has one.
 I still liked the first one the best, but that was a certain time of life during which many things were special, not so much now. 
I was going to provide a new link to the street view, but the prior post updated automatically!

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